

IPB’s Erasmus+ Spirit Team Goes to ISBR, Bangalore, India – Day 1

Erasmus+ Spirit

IPB’s Erasmus+ Spirit Team Goes to ISBR, Bangalore, India – Day 1

On Thursday, 1st of March, 2024, representatives from the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, have a visit; as well as having a conference titled “International Conference on Global Innovations: Sustainable Practices and Emerging Trends”, which was conducted on Bangalore, India. This event was located on ISBR (International School of Business & Research), acting as the host of this event. This event was co-funded by the “Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union”, as a part of “SPIRIT ERASMUS+”. Representatives from IPB were led by Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati, MSi, bringing two lecturers (dr. Naufal Muharam Nurdin, MSi, and Muhammad Aries, SP., MSi), as well as three students (Aditya Himarwan, S.Gz, Aditya Rizqi Hafidzuddin, S.Gz, dan Ade Prastio, S.Gz.)


This event was started by an opening speech from Dr. Manish Kothari (Managing Director, ISBR Group of Institution) and Dr. Anand Agrawal (Executive Director, ISBR Business School). Kyriakos E. Georgiou, a lecturer from the University of Nicosia, and partner of Erasmus, also has an opening speech as well. Following was a singing performance by one of the ISBR students. A panel discussion then was held, themed “Empowerment Through Inclusivity: Creating Change Together”, with the panellists being Chella Pandian Pitchal (Global Head DEI & Leadership Development, Biocon Biologics), Dr. Anita Prasad (Founder of “Rainbow Angels”), Rtn. Mohan Kumar (Consultant, Wipro Ltd.), Natasha Shirazi (Culture, Diversity & Inclusion – APJ & GC -Dell), and Roy C. Thomas (Head Diversity & Inclusion, nasscom Foundation). This discussion was moderated by Dr. Veena Shenoy (Founder of “Inclusiv”; ISBR Lecturer). This was then followed by a Speech Session by Geetha Manjunath with the topic being “An Innovative AI-Based Breast Cancer Screening Test”.


The participants were then divided into two groups: lecturers watched a short presentation session by Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre, while the students had a “Buddy Mentoring” session. In that session, students got to know each other and played some creativity-based games, such as creating a mock rocket from everyday household stuff (paper cups, plastic straws, strings, tape, and balloons). The students were asked to blend– across universities and nations as well.


The main event was then held: presentations of research done by the participants. There were 10 research tracks: Aditya Himarwan, Aditya Rizqi Hafidzuddin, and dr. Naufal Muharam Nurdin, MSi went to the “Sports Sustainability” track, which was evaluated by Dr. Ivan Salazar Chang from Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, Spain and Dr T. P Liyanage from Sabaragamuwa University, Sri Lanka. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati, MSi, Muhammad Aries, SP., MSi and Ade Prastio went into the “Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition” track, which also was evaluated by the expert panellist.


The event was then ended by granting awards to the best presenter from each track. A representative of the Department of Community Nutrition, Ade Prastio, S.Gz, achieved the Best Presenter award for the “Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition” track, with the research titled “Effect of Processing Method on Protein Content and Protein Quality of Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan)”. The quality of the research, as well as the absolute presentation quality by Ade Prastio, was scored highly by the panellist on that specific track. The mentioned research was also authored by Dr. Zuraidah Nasution, STP., M.Sc and Muhammad Aries, SP., MSi; both are lecturers from the Department of Community Nutrition. It is hoped that with this achievement, the academic community from the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, will have an increase in their researching spirit.

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