
1st IPB International Conference of Nutrition “Nutrition and Food Innovation for Better Life”


1st IPB International Conference of Nutrition “Nutrition and Food Innovation for Better Life”


#CommunityEngagement #Partnership_Private


Kegiatan Konferensi Internasional yang berjudul “1st IPB International Conference on Nutrition and Food, atau yang disingkat sebagai ICNF 2020, dengan tema Nutrition and Food Innovation for Better Life” dilaksanakan di IPB University, Bogor pada tanggal 18-19 November 2020. Pada kegiatan ini diundang pembicara (invited speakers) dari beberapa institusi dari dalam maupun luar negeri. Pembicara yang diundang diutamakan dari institusi yang telah mempunyai kerjasama dengan Departemen Gizi Masyarakat, FEMA, IPB dengan tujuan agar kerjasama yang telah ada menjadi semakin erat. Namun, hal ini tidak menutup kemungkinan diundangnya pembicara dari institusi lain yang memang dinilai penting dan memberikan wawasan baru terkait dengan topik konferensi.

Kegiatan konferensi ini dibagi menjadi 3 topik besar dan mengundang pembicara dan peserta dari kalangan akademisi, peneliti, pelajar, dan praktisi dari berbagai perguruan tinggi dan institusi berkaitan gizi dan pangan. Area atau topik yang ditawarkan meliputi: (1) Clinical nutrition, (2) Community nutrition, dan (3) Food innovation. Konferensi ini terdiri dari 5 sesi plenary dan 2 sesi special di hari pertama dan hari kedua dengan diisi oleh 7 invited speakers serta 8 sesi oral presentation paralel dan 4 sesi poster presentation yang tersebar di dua hari konferensi untuk ketiga topik di atas.



The 1st IPB International Conference on Nutrition and Food/1st ICNF was held on 18 – 19 November 2020. The theme of this conference is “Nutrition and Food Innovation for Better Life”. This conference invited speakers from various countries and institutions, who are experts in the area of nutrition and food. Some of these invited speakers are from institutions that already have collaboration the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University with the aim to make the existing collaborations expand. However, some invited speakers came from other institutions in order to provide new insights related to the conference topic and possibility to create new collaboration.

Participants of the conference are come from a range of professions, i.e. academia, students, government officials, researchers, the food industry, and other stakeholders. Furthermore, the conference consists of plenary sessions, oral presentation sessions, and poster presentation sessions. The areas or topics offered for plenary session include 1) Clinical nutrition, 2) Community nutrition, and 3) Food Innovation. In addition, this conference consisted of 5 plenary sessions and 2 special sessions on the first day and second day filled with 7 invited speakers as well as 8 parallel oral presentation sessions and 4 poster presentation sessions spread over two conference days for the three topics above.

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