Workshop on Evaluating Field Practice and Internship in Nutrition: Strengthening Synergy between IPB and Partner Hospitals


Workshop on Evaluating Field Practice and Internship in Nutrition: Strengthening Synergy between IPB and Partner Hospitals

**Bogor, December 18, 2024** — The Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA), IPB University held a Workshop on the Evaluation of Field Practice (PKL) and Internships in Clinical Nutrition and Food Service Management on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. The event, held at STP, IPB, was attended by lecturers from the Department of Community Nutrition, FEMA, IPB, and field supervisors from various partner hospitals in the Bandung Regency and Greater Jakarta areas.

This workshop aimed to evaluate the implementation of PKL and internships, which are essential components of the learning process for nutrition students and students in the Dietitian professional program. Through this activity, it is hoped that there will be an increase in the quality of education and training for students during field practice and strengthen collaboration between academics and practitioners in the fields of clinical nutrition and food service management.

In her remarks, Prof. Dr. Katrin Roosita, M.Si., Head of the Department of Community Nutrition, expressed her appreciation to the partner hospitals that have supported the implementation of student field practice. “PKL and internship activities are very important in shaping the professional skills of our students. Support from partner hospitals provides invaluable direct experience for students to understand real conditions in the field,” said Prof. Katrin.

The workshop presented the results of the evaluation of the 2024 PKL and internship implementation, which had been carried out in several partner hospitals. These hospitals included RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, RS Gatos Soebroto, RS Kota Tangsel, and RSUD in the Bogor area and its surroundings. The evaluation covered various aspects, including student preparedness, support from health facilities, and challenges faced during the implementation of the practice.

In the discussion session, lecturers and field supervisors engaged in a dialogue regarding obstacles and solutions in implementing PKL and internships. Several important points discussed included improving students’ clinical competence, standards for evaluating supervision, and the need for alignment between the academic curriculum and field needs.

The event concluded with a session to formulate recommendations for improving the quality of PKL and internships in the future. Some of the recommendations produced included increased coordination between academic supervisors and field supervisors, the provision of more applicable learning modules, and strengthening the evaluation and feedback from students during practice.

With this workshop, it is hoped that the synergy between the IPB Department of Community Nutrition and partner hospitals will become stronger, and the quality of nutrition graduates from both the undergraduate and professional dietitian programs at IPB will continue to improve and be ready to face professional challenges in the world of work.

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