Doctoral Research Seminar of Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita (I1604211006)
The Effect of Nutrition Education Intervention and Food Management on Food Waste and Household Food Security Presenter Prita Dhyani Swamilaksita (I1604211006) Supervising Committee Dr. Ir. Yayuk Farida Baliwati, MS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, MS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Briawan, MCN. Date Monday, 10th of …
Doctoral Colloquium of Sabrina (I1604231018)
The Potential of Moringa Leaves in Kefir Beverages on Lipid Profile, TNF-α, and IRF5 Gene Expression in Obese Rats Presenter Sabrina (I1604231018) Reviewers Dr. dr. Karina Rahmadia Ekawidyani, M.Giz. Prof. drh. Muhammad Rizal Martua Damanik, MRep.Sc., Ph.D. Supervising Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Evy Damayanthi, MS. …
Magister Colloquium of Asral Baso (I1504222045)
Evaluation of Antidiabetic Potential and Bioactive Component Content in Purple Okra Extract Supplement In Vitro Presenter Asral Baso (I1504222045) Reviewer Dr. Zuraidah Nasution, STP., M.Sc. Supervising Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Setiawan, MS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Evy Damayanthi, MS. Moderator Prof. Dr. drh. M. Rizal …
Doctoral Colloquium of Tyas Permatasari (I1604222036)
Development of Management Model for Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) Program for Pregnant Women in East Java Presenter Tyas Permatasari (I1604222036) Reviewers Dr. Ir. Yayuk Faida Baliwati, MS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ikeu Tanziha, MS. Supervising Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Briawan, MCN. Dr. Ir. Ikeu Ekayanti, …
Doctoral Promotion of Kalinaki Hanifar (I1604222801)
Impact of Household Food Security and Anaemia on Pregnancy Outcomes Among Rural Women in Eastern Uganda Presenter Kalinaki Hanifar (I1604222801) Chairperson Prof. Dr. Ir. Dodik Briawan, MCN. Supervising Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Drajat Martianto, M.Sc. Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan, MS. Dr. agr. Eny Palupi, …
Doctoral Colloquium of Yusma Indah Jayadi (I1604231015)
The Efficacy of Lemon and Honey Drink on Reducing Blood Pressure, ADMA Levels, and F2 Isoprostan in Hypertensive Patients Presenter Yusma Indah Jayadi (I1604231015) Reviewers Prof. Dr. Ir. Budi Setiawan, MS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati, M.Si. Supervising Committee Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Sulaeman, …
Magister Colloquium of Martina Rumondang Simbolon (I1504231025)
The Potential of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) and Red Galangal (Alpinia purpurata (vieill) k. schum) Powder as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent in Obesity Presenter Martina Rumondang Simbolon (I1504231025) Reviewer Dr. dr. Karina Rahmadia Ekawidyani, M.Gizi. Supervising Commitee Prof. Dr. Rimbawan Prof. Dr. Katrin Roosita, S.P., M.Si. Prof. …
Magister Colloquium of Nada Nabilla Hadi (I1504231034)
The Effect of Purple Okra Pudding Intervention on Lipid Profiles in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Presenter Nada Nabilla Hadi (I1504231034) Reviewer Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Sulaeman., M.S. Supervising Commitee Prof. Dr. Ir. Evy Damayanthi, MS. Dr. Zuraidah Nasution, S.T.P., M.Sc. Moderator Prof. Dr. …
Doctoral Promotion of Triagung Yuliyana (I161190091)
Efficacy of Dates-Moringa Extract Drink on Reducing Blood Pressure, ACE Enzyme Levels, and F2 Isoprostanes in Women of Reproductive Age with Pre-Hypertension Presenter Triagung Yuliyana (I161190091) Chairperson Prof. Dr. Ir. Yanto Santosa, DEA., IPU.(The Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism, Faculty of Forestry and …
Magister Colloquium of Novi Puspita Sari (I1504231005)
The Correlation of Body Image, Eating Behavior Type and Nutrient Adequacy Level with Anemia Status in Adolescent Girls Presenter Novi Puspita Sari (I1504231005) Reviewer Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati., M.S. Supervising Committee Dr. Ir. Lilik Kustiyah., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi Riyadi., MS. Moderator …